Most people will gamble in some form from time to time, whether they buy a lottery ticket, bet on a horse race or place money on a card game. For the majority of the time it is just taking a small risk with a little bit of extra money that you can afford to lose if things don't go your way - venturing something in the hope of gaining something.
There may be various reasons why people gamble, aside from the obvious desire to win something (and considering that your chances of winning the lottery, for instance, are slimmer than your chances of being in a car accident on your way to buying a ticket, people must gamble for other reasons besides really thinking they will win). A lot of people enjoy taking a risk and find it exciting. There may also be a social aspect involved, as going to a casino or betting on a card game may be an activity enjoyed with friends.
Like most things, however, for a minority of people gambling can develop into an unhealthy addiction which can seriously impact on a person and their family. Although problem gamblers suffer financially, this is not the only effect of the addiction as it can also be detrimental to their psychological wellbeing, relationships and ability to hold down a job. To these people, gambling may be a way of getting away from other problems but they rapidly stop enjoying the activity and do it compulsively. Some argue that in light of this, gambling should be made illegal. I disagree because for one thing, making something illegal doesn't mean that people won't do it, it just means that it will be driven underground. Secondly, many people see gambling as a recreational activity and as something which they can enjoy responsibly. For most, it is harmless fun.

Reasons why people gamble: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Top-Reasons-Why-People-are-Tempted-in-Gambling/1012424
Gambling facts, statistics, info on addiction etc: http://www.overcominggambling.com/facts.html
An article arguing for gambling to be made illegal: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/reasons-why-gambling-should-be-illegal.html
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